I would like to thanks Dr. Arum K. Saraf and Donald Sluter. ____________________________________________________ My original question was: Hi ArcViewrs, Someone knows an extension or an avenue script to extract an Image Data Source by an polygon (this polygon can be an basin, or a circle, rectangle...) Thanks I will sum Valeria Prisco e-mail: valeria@geoambiente.com.br _______________________________________________________ Dr. Arum K. Saraf: I know a indirect method using Spatial Analyst and Grid Analyst (an extension developed by me, available on ESRI Script page) which shall extract image using a polygon as desired by you. If you see Manual associated with Grid Analyst, you will find a step-by-step approach to achieve the above objective. Please use it and acknowledge. Further, if you learn some direct method, please let me know. Donald Sluter: Try Image.Snap2CellExtract from ESRI's web Page: http://gis.esri.com/arcscripts/details.cfm?CFGRIDKEY=1939879989